As many people here said, fiction writing can be therapeutic. The process is painful and takes you through a journey that you can not imagine at the beginning. You start with the intention of designing a world, designing characters and a plot but eventually find that you are a vehicle for the characters to come alive. The characters surprise you with what they want to become. The world surprises you with the intention to manifest in a certain way. In a way, you are a reader to your writing. This is the most obvious when you read your first draft after keeping it aside for 2–3 weeks, as I usually do.
When I was writing my first book, Whiskey And Suicide: And other stories, I started with some intention with each story but the stories just took their own life. There was something of me indeed in each story but there was something absolutely novel that I had not seen before. I write for that experience and that experience alone.
(Written as an answer to a quora question : (
Shifting Focus disappointed that no one looks at him the performer started to look at himself and enjoying what he did forgot the faint signs disappointment lost in his own world intimately interconnected and when he was drawn to the beauty of silence and visualised the million possibilities he realised the crowd around him had been hypnotised
Vocabulary is the core tool and you build it by reading. Do not search for words just to use them in your writing. You will feel fake. Use the word that comes to your mind.
Grammar is the second most important after vocabulary. He recommends Warriner’s English Grammar and composition. He recommends using short sentences, no passive voice, no adverbs and no unnecessary complexity.
The third one is paragraph. Good writer write in short paragraphs. Books with big paragraphs are about complex topics and concepts. Paragraphs should come naturally, they are like the beat of the book. You would get it after a lot of practice.
Writing Rhythm and process
He writes primarily in the morning, every day. When he is writing a book, he never takes a break. He takes a nap, does small stuff in the noon. Watches TV, does important rewriting, interacts with family etc in the evening. He aims to write 15-20 pages which is about 2000 words every day. That becomes 1,80,000 words in three months which is the right length for a novel. That is the timeline he gives for the first draft. He recommends that the writer should aim at 1000 words every day in the beginning to make sure that the motivation remains.
The place of writing is important too. It should be a place that you can lock from inside to tell other people that you are working. You can have a desk and a chair that makes you comfortable and helps you get in the flow(my words). He listens to music while writing, again with the purpose of tuning out the external world. That way you can writer anywhere without the distraction and the sounds of the external world. He avoids having phone in the room.
Importance of Reading
Reading is extremely important for writing. Anyone who says he wants to write but does not read is going to be a bad writer. Reading tells you how other writers sketch their characters, build the plot, use the language and make the story interesting. He reads approximately 70-80 books every year which is 6 books a month.
Plot and situation
Plotting is unnecessary. The situation is the primary thing. The secondary thing is the characters and the plot emerges after you start putting the characters in a situation and seeing them come out of it using their own ingeniousness. In “Misery” he came out with the situation of an author being put in captivity by a senile woman and wrote it on a piece of paper. The idea was so strong that he reached the hotel and wrote 16 pages. The concept of the vamp asking the author to write the sequel of misery just for her came much later. In the process, he also discovered that the author was much more resourceful and the vamp much crueler than he initially thought. These things will come as you start writing and treat yourself as the first reader. You should also practice “Show, don’t tell” for the characterization and let the character express themselves in dialog, situations or scenes rather thank giving the information about them directly to the reader.
Too much detail about character or locations is not that important. Details like “he had a sharp nose and big eyebrows” is not required since the reader likes to fill in the details with her own imagination. That is in fact the advantage books have over movies. Movies have to give too much detail just by the visuals. You do not have to describe the place also in too much detail. You should describe it the way you remember it after some time not as if you are describing it as you are seeing it. The reader does not want to read a brochure of a realtor. He is primarily interested in the story and where the place leads the characters and the interaction between them that drives the story forward.
It is important to use all the tools at your disposal for carrying the story. Anything that takes the story forward and makes it stronger can be used. Symbolism definitely can take the story forward. He gives the example of “Carrie”, where blood is used as a device for symbolism. It is shown in all the important events in the book. But he also warns that most of the times symbolism actually works against the story and hence you should be careful before using it. A similar phenomenon works for most of the literary tools like alliteration, metaphor etc. They should not be used only for ornamental purposes. If it takes away the life of the story, they are just not worth it. You should not use them for showing your command on the subject.
Drafts and revision
The first draft should be the “Closed door draft”. In this draft, you should write whatever comes to your mind without inviting any external opinions or criticisms. The only thing he allows is to look at the backstories of the characters, basically anything that is absolutely needed for the coherence of the story. After the first draft is finished, you should just keep it away for six week minimum. When you come back to it, you will see this as a familiar yet unfamiliar story. Something that seems to be written by you but has the flavor of being someone else’s story. Obvious holes in the story would be visible to you. You write the second draft and remove those holes, add scenes that improve the core message of the story and remove the ones that drains the core message. He shares that second draft with 6-8 people he trusts. He thinks that two drafts are enough. Some other people like Vonnegut write each page perfectly, rewriting it many times, so that when they put those pages together, it is the finished product. You can have your own style of writing and rewriting till you feel good about it.
(Posted on quora for the question asking about the writing process of authors)
I will just add my writing process and experience to the many answers below. When I went through these answers, many were surprisingly similar to what I do and I guess what many writers do. Not very surprising though, this is diametrically opposite to what most people perceive what writers do.
Writers have many ideas that keep popping in their head based on their interactions with the world and their own thoughts about the past. Sometimes, one of these ideas becomes strong enough to be put on a paper. Most writers have many such ideas documented in their journals, their writing software or simple editors. Several writers try to capture such ideas everywhere. They carry their journals everywhere in their pockets and note those ideas. Some do it on their phones. This is very well captured in some movies about writers, like Patterson.
(Patterson writing a poem before he starts on his day job of a bus driver)
Most of the writers, like I do, have a writing routine. I wake up every day at 5am and sit in front of my computer with all the ideas that are captured in the writing software. Unless I am working on a novel that needs to be completed with a deadline, I write on multiple projects at the same time. You start with one of your many ideas, the idea that really motivates you to write on that particular day and crank at the keyboard for next couple of hours with small tea break.
In dues time, if you are persistent enough, you will write many, many words, paragraphs, pages and eventually a book.
Yesterday, in an interview, Win Butler was asked a question about his songwriting process. Interesting he referred to “Negative Theology” while answering that. The interviewer was hinting at becoming monotonous while writing newer songs and Win thought that being monotonous would be the last thing they would be. According to him, every song is unique in its own way and there is no specific process to get to a good song. Every piece of writing arrives in this world in its own, unique and unpredictable way that is specific to that particular song.
Negative Theology
His reference to Negative Theology was very interesting. Negative Theology is a branch of Christianity that believes that describing or characterizing God can be done only with negative attributes and not with positive attributes. You can say million things about what a God is not but not a single thing about what a God is. The strains of that kind of thinking are found all over the world and one of the most famous of them all is the saying found in Upanishads that says “Neti, neti”, which describes the ultimate reality as “Not that, not this”.
Transcendent and Immanent
This line of thinking brings in the two interesting perspectives about God or the ultimate reality posited in Upanishads called the Brahman. One branch thinks that God is transcendent which means God is above the ordinary manifested reality and exists separately from the same. The other line of thinking may be thought as the philosophy of immanence of God which conveys the existence of God in every manifested thing. God exists in everything and leaves His mark on all that exists. The two lines of thinking are by no means the only ones or even separate. In some philosophical thoughts, God is thought to be both transcendent and immanent, which means He exists in the world and also apart from the world. In some lines of thinking the two are different types of the same underlying reality, somewhat like Brahman and Maya of the Upanishads.
Implications for daily living
The two lines of thinking can have implications for daily lives of serious philosophical individuals who want to live a disciplined life based on principles. A purely transcendental philosophy can lead to an ascetic perspective. Since God does not exist in the real world, everything in the real world is to be shunned, argues the ascetic line of thinking. Similarly the degree of belief you choose in either, would lead you to a specific way of life that truly represents the underlying philosophy. Win’s line of thinking, which seems to indicate that activities like songwriting can be ultimately a means of sensing the ultimate reality through the principle of “Not that, not this” can be called a “Middle way” that does not fall for any of the extremes and allows one to live a passionate life that is disciplined. Interestingly it may be followed without even believing in a philosophical principle. To remain interested in songwriting or any other activity that a human being pursues, one of the key requirement is to discover the novelty of that activity as time passes and not to get bored about the monotony. This philosophy allows one to pursue that and gives an added advantage of not missing on the transcendental path.
Manik Bal’s short story collection, “Her Revenge” is available now. With this diverse collection of short stories, Manik Bal continues to explore the, and the mundane in the bizarre.